"Tailgaters"...I hate 'em! Trying to crawl up your exhaust pipe and generally making a damned nuisance of themselves! They may as well have a P.A.system screaming "Get the bloody hell out of my way!" As if the few seconds they may gain on their trip makes the slightest difference to the price of onion-flavoured tic-tacs!

I also do not like those drivers who deliberately try to manufacture an "incident" by actually putting their foot down when you are pulling out at an intersection. The clue here is: Live, and let live!


I'm an "after you, Claude..." type of driver. And I'm proud of it. And, mostly, courtesy is returned. You wave someone on and receive a wave or a even just a lift of a finger for your pains. Sometimes you receive nothing back, of course. Then you can have a quick grumble to yourself.

Highly satisfying.


Heard mostly at roundabouts. Ditto on the "incident" remark above. Seems that no-one on the planet is allowed to use roundabouts but people with horns!
I'm actually embarrassed to use's a pathetic, thin-sounding thing better off on a moped!

(Try saying "thin-sounding thing" when you have a few pints on board!)