Holler It!

Except where it affects me directly, politics leaves me cold. Politicians, however, get right up my nose! It seems that the very people who should not be allowed within 100 miles of power, are the very people who get to wield it. Even more so at local levels, where local tradesmen engineer themselves on to local councils.
(I wonder why they do that?)
It is said that we get exactly what we deserve...and I guess that is correct. I don't vote much, so I really should not complain. But, you show me someone really worth voting for...and I'll vote.
That said, recently I actually did push myself to go out and cast my vote. I think I am one of the so-called "silent majority". We sit on our backsides grumbling about this and that, until the powers-that-be take matters that one step beyond! A lot of the problem, I think, stems from the fact that power-wielding politicians end up spending a lot of their time in London, and they appear to imagine that that city represents the entire country.
It doesn't!...as the politicians found out to their cost when they threw the Brexit referendum into the air.
London is a polyglot city, home (and I do not refer to the hard-working Londoners who have lived there for generations) to bankers, stockbrokers and swingers.
The rest of us sit here waiting for things to reach that critical point where we'll not sit still for it anymore. At which point we get up off our arses and bite back!
Similar things happened in the USA just recently. And I am willing to bet that there will be more surprises elsewhere in the world.