Holler It! - Religion



As an initial thought, religion has killed and maimed more people over the years than all the wars of greed and nationalism put together. I think I agree with the guy (can't remember his name) who said that "religion is the opium of the masses..." I guess that was regarding Christianity, as opposed to another religion. But since I do not want a scimitar up my khyber one dark night, that's as far as I'll take the subject of other religions for the moment.

One thing that occurs to me when I see church services and ceremonies on TV is that you would be hard-pressed to get any further away from what Christianity meant back in the days of Jesus Christ, when it began; the seemingly jewel bedecked, ermine-robed figures wandering around looking piously po-faced and sounding worse!  I just cannot imagine what God - if such an entity really does exist - would feel about these people and their theatrical antics.

I have looked up the meaning of Agnostic, and I think that is what I am.

The rot began when missionaries decided to take the message to the poor, uncivilised peoples of the rest of the world back in the year dot.  Of course, the same thing is happening now, but from a different angle, a different religion. ...Let's get out there and show these people the error of their ways...!

Why don't we simply let everyone do their own thing...if the truth really is the truth - (and by definition it actually is!) - then it's all going to come out in the wash in any case. Eventually!