I'm a writer, you're a reader. That's a good start

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Link to A Warrior's Code Link to An Ounce of Metal I, said the Spyder Link to If Nothing Else Link to A Time to Die Link to Czechmate Link to The Dongola Script Link to Thunder Island Link to A Place of Bones Link to The Devil's Breath Link to The Silent War Link to Power Play
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Why... I did not set out to do so, but everything I write - and have ever written - has some kind of armed conflict at its heart. Bad guys against good guys. Even bad guys against other bad guys. Except that, separating the "good" guys from the "bad" guys is a problem in its own right. The global catalyst, I've learned, is that everyone wants something that belongs to someone else. And the worst, most destructive offenders of them all, are not individuals, but countries. Governments. These entities are able to bury their double dealings in ways that stagger even the most fertile imagination.
I have also come to realise that the civilian in the street does not want to consider such things. And who can blame them? The subject - in any case - has been placed way beyond their scope to understand, or even consider. So they tend to blame the easy target, the serving soldier. Soldiers, necessarily, do what they are told to do, whether they like it or not. And, yes, I do know that rogue elements exist in every fighting force. But the same applies to every walk of life. Never-the-less, blaming the front-line soldier for all the ills of the world, is to allow the actual guilty parties' a good giggle all the way to their banks.

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Just a thought

After a lot of research and homework I think I have cracked the universal "www" problem of making a website viewable on a mobile phone as well as a PC, plus all points in between.
An on-going problem, however, is that the world can now get online using just about anything that uses electricity. So, if you are viewing this site on - I don't know, a Mongolian egg-timer, or some such - and something doesn't look quite right, perhaps you would let me know about it?

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